No. 14 (1997): Tradition in Late Antiquity

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 14 (1997): Tradition in Late Antiquity

Man lives by habits. His instruction upon arrival in this world consists of habits, the teaching of language is equivalent to acquiring a series of habits with which to interrelate with others. The way of dressing and acting consists in adapting to habits that are usual in our cultural circles. That is why tradition is the key element in the configuration of social groups, cultures and ways of life. And this is perfectly conscious in the life of groups and in that of individuals, since our behavior is habitual in a percentage that borders one hundred percent of our movements. And we not only know it, we are also aware of the importance that this has in our life, that is why we have constituted the survival in such a cultural system in one of the definitive values ​​of our existence: in religion, in morals, in work, and in Leisure and fun We are all struck by what we have experienced as children and the system in which we have been educated. It has taken us to get to the communications system that the second half of the 20th century has brought us so that we have been able to capture the wealth of other forms of life different from ours.

Published: 20-01-1997
Frequency: Anual



The builders of Late Antiquity