No. 3 (1986): Visigoths: history and civilization

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 3 (1986): Visigoths: history and civilization

The Pastor Foundation for Classical Studies, in its long and varied activity, has constantly tried not to limit itself to the topics strictly implicit in its statement, but to complement them with regard to the related fields of manuscript science, Epigraphy, Archeology, Ancient History ; and, thanks to the enthusiastic collaboration of self-sacrificing colleagues, he has been able to dedicate modest, but active seminars to the study, for example, of mosaics, important excavations, the Moncha puteal, royalty in antiquity; but neither have we believed that we should stop at the traditional milestone of 476. It is not possible, in fact, to understand the classic well if one ignores the post-classic, protomedieval, late-medieval or Renaissance .......

Published: 20-01-1986
Frequency: Anual
