Are Self-concept and Emotional Intelligence Associated with Healthy Habits and School Performance? intelligence associated with healthy habits and school performance? A structural model according to sex
A Structural Model according to Sex
The promotion of academic performance through healthy physical habits has been the subject of studies in recent decades. This study aims to know the relationships between several psychosocial factors, the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD), the practice of physical activity (PA), and academic performance according to the sex of 1650 Secondary Education students [♂ = 50.42% (n = 832); ♀ = 49.57% (n = 818)], with an average age of 14.47 years (SD = 1.41; R = 9). The methodological design is descriptive-exploratory, cross-sectional and ex post-facto, through a structural equation model. The CAF questionnaire was used for physical self-concept, the PAQ-A questionnaire was used to evaluate PA, the KIDMED test for adherence to MD, and the TMMS-24 scale for emotional intelligence. The results reflected that there is an association between the dimensions of physical self-concept, with greater strength for physical condition and ability in both sexes. A positive relationship was observed between PA and the physical condition, strength and physical ability dimensions of physical self-concept, especially for boys, with the quality of nutrition being more relevant to physical condition in the case of girls. In turn, EI and healthy habits were positively related, with no findings found between EI and academic performance specifically. Finally, a positive and slight relationship was determined between healthy habits and academic performance, reflecting some of the benefits of these habits for the cognitive function.
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