Adults who build minors in school. Attitudes of parents and teachers in front of cultural diversity
Supporting Agencies
- Consejeria de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucia
Apart from the classroom teaching act itself, the attitudes of adults (parents and teachers) determine the attitudes of minors (children and students), specially when it occurs in cultural diversity circumstances. This is not surprising, given the proliferation of school attendance of students from different cultures in the current school centres. Therefore, this article examines this attitudinal dimension through a combined methodology that provides an affluence of data and statistical significance. Data collection has been done throughout interviews to 22 parents and 24 teachers, considering both as two separate case studies. Analysis of their statements is applied in order to describe the dominant attitudinal pattern. Percentage and inferential analysis have also been applied to quantify the degree of agreement and differences intra-case and inter-cases. Attitudinal gaps and differences between cases which could generate confusion and search for alternative attitudinal behaviours in other social areas are observed.
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