Self-esteem, motivation and resilience in Panamanian schools with differentiated scores in the TERCE Test
Supporting Agencies
- SENACYT (ITE-15-007)
Education in recent decades has moved from a traditional context to a context reflective of individual competence, in order to create healthy and inclusive schools that develop professional-social-personal skills. However, it has focused on quantitative aspects, leaving aside other factors that can influence performance, such as motivation, self-esteem, and resilience. The main objective of this study is to analyze the factors involved in academic performance, such as self-esteem, motivation and school resilience in the results obtained in the TERCE test. The sample consists of 568 students aged 10-12 years and 11 teachers from (8) schools of the Republic of Panama chosen from the arithmetic mean (best performance = 5; low performance = 3, in TERCE). The School Self-Esteem Test, the Questionnaire to Assess School Motivation, School Resilience Scale and Test Expectations and Motivational Attitudes of Teachers Test have been used. This study has found that the self-esteem variable correlates with gender, academic performance and school type (P <0.05); it is also affected by the geographical location of students, which also the case for the motivation variable (P <0.05). Children from hard-to-reach schools have an average level of resilience associated with positive levels in the identity-self-esteem dimension. In addition, teachers perceive that school performance is influenced by external factors, giving more importance to grades. In order to learn, cognitive skills, knowledge and strategies are important, which require intention and motivation to be gained.
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