La dirección escolar: Liderazgo pedagógico y mejora escolar
Supporting Agencies
- Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación I D I financiado en el marco del Plan Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia 2013-2016 (DIFOTICYD EDU2016 75232-P), Grupo de Investigación (GID) HUM-390 denominado (Grupo de Investigación Didáctica: Análisis Tecnológico y Cualitativo de los Procesos de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje) de la Junta de Andalucía (España).
The aim of this study was to determine, from the managerial perspective, the development of pedagogical leadership and school improvement, with the participation of 47 principals from public and charter schools. The qualitative methodology was based on interviews, which were designed to reveal how the changes in regulations were assumed in terms of methodological and evaluation processes, in order to establish suggestions for improvement. To gather the data, we used the categories that corresponded to the indicators provided by the interviews, and the statistical software Atlas v.6.2 was used for the data analysis. Among the main results, a large part of the participants stated that the
most used methodology after implementing the new regulations was “project assignment”; on the other hand, in the evaluation category, the most valued change was the introduction of a more qualitative evaluation through the use of rubrics. With respect to possible school improvements, the participants highlighted the need to carry out in each centre a community action project for an education for everyone. In general terms, the results of the study confirm that the opinion of the participants about pedagogical leadership and school improvement is determined by the regulations, which limit their work structure.
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