Profiles of coping and academic stress among university students


  • Ramón González Cabanach Universidad de A Coruña
  • Antonio Souto-Gestal Universidad de A Coruña
  • Luz González-Doniz Universidad de A Coruña
  • Victoria Franco Taboada Universidad de A Coruña
Keywords: stress, coping, social support, university students


Introduction: Effects of academic stress are mediated by the students coping strategies. However, there is little evidence on the association between different profiles of coping and stress psychophysiological responses. The aim of this study is to analyze the variability of psychophysiological stress responses in relation to the profile of active coping that students show. Method: 1195 Spanish university students (71% females) with a mean age of 21.57 (SD=3.63) participated in the study. Self-administered instruments stress coping scale (ACEA) and stress response scale (ACEA) were administered. Results: participants were classified into 4 groups by a quick cluster. Two groups showed high levels of active coping (active coping [AC] and social and active coping [SAC]), whereas other two groups reported low levels (social coping [SC] and low social and active coping [LSA]). One-way ANOVA showed that students classified within groups of high active coping (AC and SAC) exhibited lower scores in psychophysiological responses of stress (physical exhaustion, sleep disturbances, irascibility and negative cognitions intrusion) than those students classified within groups of low active coping (SC and LSA). Additionally, the mediating role of social support result relevant only among students with low level of active coping (SC and SAC). In conclusion, academic stress prevention and intervention programs should take into account the peculiarity of this subset in its design and implementation.


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Author Biographies

Ramón González Cabanach, Universidad de A Coruña

Catedrático de Universidad

Departamento de Psicología

Grupo de investigación en Intervención Psicosocial y Rehabilitación Funcional

Antonio Souto-Gestal, Universidad de A Coruña

Profesor Ayudante Doctor

Departamento de Ciencias Biomédicas, Medicina y Fisioterapia

Grupo de investigación en Intervención Psicosocial y Rehabilitación Funcional

Luz González-Doniz, Universidad de A Coruña

Profesora Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Ciencias Biomédicas, Medicina y Fisioterapia

Grupo de investigación en Intervención Psicosocial y Rehabilitación Funcional

Victoria Franco Taboada, Universidad de A Coruña

Profesora Titular Doctora

Departamento de Psicología

Grupo de investigación en Intervención Psicosocial y Rehabilitación Funcional


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How to Cite
González Cabanach, R., Souto-Gestal, A., González-Doniz, L., & Franco Taboada, V. (2018). Profiles of coping and academic stress among university students. Journal of Educational Research, 36(2), 421–433.