Diagnóstico de las actitudes hacia el medio ambiente en alumnos de secundaria: una aplicación de la TRI


  • Antonio María Matas Terrón
  • Juan Carlos Tójar Hurtado
  • Juan Jesús Jaime Martín
  • Francisco Manuel Benítez Azuaga
  • Luis Almeda
Keywords: Environmental education, enviroment attitude, item response theory


This paper tries to analyze the attitudes to environment of secondary school students. A specific test, with 18 multiple options items, has been made analyzing its psicometric properties with a sample of 330 subjects. The estimate of students’ attitude level had been realized through the three parameters model from item response theory. The results get average attitude levels to environment. The latent feature model has permitted to identify three subsamples with different attitude levels (low, average, high). Educational implications, specially in the design of programs, are straightforward. The estimate, using the latent feature model, shows a more precise differential approach to individuals, objective that is always desirable from an educational perspective centered on the subject and the environmental values.


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How to Cite
Matas Terrón, A. M., Tójar Hurtado, J. C., Jaime Martín, J. J., Benítez Azuaga, F. M., & Almeda, L. (2004). Diagnóstico de las actitudes hacia el medio ambiente en alumnos de secundaria: una aplicación de la TRI. Journal of Educational Research, 22(1), 233–244. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/98861