Resilience as a Predictor of Academic Performance in Teenagers
Academic performance is a determinant factor for the improvement of any country's education system. Establishing which aspects positively or negatively influence academic performance has given rise to different types of research. To further the existing knowledge on this matter, the present study analyzes the relationship between students’ resilience, self-concept, motivation, and academic performance in Secondary Education. To do so, three data collection instruments were used in a sample of 842 students from the city of Valladolid, aged between 13 and 16 years (M=14.8; SD=1.498): Self-concept Scale Form-5, Resilience Scale RS-14, and Attributional Motivation to Achieve Scale. Data analysis was conducted using mediational techniques based on structural equation modelling (SEM), which suggested that there was no direct relationship between the students’ self-concept, motivation, and academic performance. Interestingly, resilience was positioned as the mediating factor in the relationship between their self-concept and motivation and their academic performance. The results showed that students with a high level of resilience tended to cope better with difficult situations and to understand and appreciate the effort required and invested in study time.
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