The assessment policy of vocational training in spain
We present an exploratory education production study in the context of the Spanish higher vocational training system. We consider the educational outputs to be the very purposes of professional training, i.e., responding to the demands of the labour market and achieving adequate social and labour integration for graduates. This article pursues two aims. On the one hand, we analyse the influence of certain "non-school" inputs such as "effective personality" and "subjective social class". On the other hand, we check the degree of congruence among the different assessment models used in the two areas in which these teachings are currently developed: education and labour. To this end, we use a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 374 second-year students from different higher degree training cycles located in educational centres in the province of Barcelona, Spain. The students were administered a computerised questionnaire which included the main explanatory variables taken into consideration. The analysis was based on an ordered econometric logit model. The results obtained indicate that the "expectation of success", as a dimension of the "effective personality" construct, and the "subjective social class" determine the results positively. Furthermore, we can state that there is no relationship among the results measured by the assessments carried out in the areas of education and labour. Thus, in the absence of greater reflection and scientific evidence, the assessment policy of the vocational training system may have to be reconsidered, taking a further step towards a needed integration.
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