Análisis de estructuras de covarianza en el estudio de la Competencia Docente del Profesor Universitario


  • José Manuel García Ramos


The present article, presents the principal results of a study made, by using the covarianza structure of Analysis (Structural Models an Measures) as methodology of analysis and validation, at the application of a model of Formative Evaluation of the University Professor, at a Institution, linked to the University Complutense of Madrid.

One the alternative models are defined, using LISREL, a definition was reached of various casual models, that adequately represent, relations between definite and explicativa academic activities.


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How to Cite
García Ramos, J. M. (1998). Análisis de estructuras de covarianza en el estudio de la Competencia Docente del Profesor Universitario. Journal of Educational Research, 16(1), 155–184. Retrieved from
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