Quality indicators in scientific journals and publishing management system by means of the OJS


  • Fuensanta Hernández Pina Universidad de Murcia
  • Javier J. Maquilón Sánchez Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Open Journal System, Publising Quality Criteria, Spanish Scientific Journals, ISI-Thompson.


The lack of quality in many Spanish scientific publications and journals and the need to increase their prestige and impact, result in a thorough revision of the quality criteria these publications should comply with.
At a national level, the FECYT, by means of the ARCE project, fosters the assessment of scientific journals establishing a number of quality criteria. This institution offers assistance to those journals which are assessed positively in order to increase their publishing quality and their national and international impact.
One of the improvements offered by FECYT is focused on the publishing management system. At present, the OJS (Open Journal System) is the most internationally widespread management system dealing with scientific publications. This system allows a detailed monitoring of articles, increases the interaction and facilitates communication among participants, elements and instruments involved in the publishing process.
Since March 2010 the Revista de Investigación Educativa (RIE) benefits from the advantages, possibilities and functionalities of the OJS as managing system of our journal, making the complex and inner publishing reality of scientific journals even more transparent and open. 



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How to Cite
Hernández Pina, F., & Maquilón Sánchez, J. J. (2010). Quality indicators in scientific journals and publishing management system by means of the OJS. Journal of Educational Research, 28(1), 13–29. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/109941