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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been simultaneously submitted to another journal.
  • The manuscript has been anonymized. All references that might identify the authors have been avoided.
  • The manuscript conforms to the mandatory formatting considerations in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • The manuscript respects the structure indicated in the chosen template, according to the type of research, present in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • The letter of authorship contains all the requested information.
  • The abstract/abstract contains between 150 and 250 words in both Spanish and English and has been prepared according to the IMRD&C structure.
  • There are 4 keywords in Spanish/English, separated by a semicolon, and the first letter of each keyword is written in lower case.
  • The bibliographic references comply with the style standards proposed in the version of the APA norms currently in force.
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word format, or compatible, and has a length between 6000 and 7000 words (with bibliographic references and without summary).

Author Guidelines

Revista de Investigación Educativa is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal admits manuscripts to the review and selection process throughout the year, except for the month of August.

If you have any questions regarding the management of articles, please contact the Editorial Control and Support Section at: rie@um.es

a) Submission standards

The submission will be carried out through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform. The process includes the submission of a manuscript and a letter of authorship.

It is essential to indicate all the persons who are authors of the article in the submission process (adding them one by one), taking into account that -in the case of acceptance- the order in which they sign will be the one that appears in the publication.

b) Manuscript

1. Manuscripts must be original, not published substantially in any other medium, and not under evaluation by any other scientific journal at the time of submission to the journal.

2. The manuscript must conform to the mandatory formatting considerations.

3. The manuscript must conform to the structure of the corresponding template, according to the type of study:

Manuscripts based on systematic reviews should include the following sections: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.

On a very exceptional basis, theoretical articles dealing with current issues may be included in the peer review process.

4. For the writing of the manuscript, the latest version of the APA guidelines must be followed, paying special care and attention to formal aspects related to in-text citations and bibliographic references.

5. For the writing of the manuscript, special care and attention should also be paid to the use of inclusive and non-discriminatory language and to avoid gender bias. For this purpose, it is recommended to consult the APA guidelines: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/bias-free-language/gender

6. In manuscripts where the methodology is eminently empirical and deals with personal data, the inclusion of a favorable report from the Ethics Committee (or the person responsible for these functions) of the institution or institutions to which the authors belong, which regulates observational, psychological or behavioral research in humans, or an equivalent report from the authors, will be positively valued.

7. Manuscripts that facilitate access to the data obtained through open access repositories will be positively valued.

c) Letter of authorship

The letter of authorship must conform to the following template and will be attached through the journal's OJS platform, after uploading the manuscript, specifically in step 3 of the submission (Finalize).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.