Perception and Management of Conflict in Spanish and Portuguese University Students


Keywords: educational research, university, dispute settlement, perception, problem solving


This research is the result of the Eramus +LIMEdiat research project, in which one of the lines of study has had the objective of finding out the perception that university students in both countries have of conflict management and the ways in which they handle such conflict. From a methodological point of view, a quantitative cross-sectional research study was carried out with a simple random sample of 247 university students. The main results obtained from this study conclude, on the one hand, that conflict is positively valued among university students; and on the other hand, that the origin of conflicts is usually derived from communication problems (16.8%), lack of respect (9.7%) and non-compliance with rules (8%). The results obtained on the perceptions of university students highlight the importance of making university managers aware of the need to train their students in positive conflict management and the promotion of education to achieve a culture of peace in universities in relation to the goals established in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Organization for 2030. In this sense, the use of mediation on university coexistence contemplated in Law 3/2022, 24 February, emerges as an opportunity to improve interpersonal relations and manage conflicts both inside and outside the classroom. Among the limitations of the study is the size and homogeneity of the sample.


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How to Cite
Munuera Gómez, P., Martínez-López, J. Ángel, Molina-Cano, J., & Costa e Silva, A. M. (2024). Perception and Management of Conflict in Spanish and Portuguese University Students. Journal of Educational Research, 42(2).