Building knowledge in the digital age: challenges and reflections


Keywords: learning analytics, learning contexts, knowledge creation, content curation, democratization, educational technology


This work is the revised version of a report on the new knowledge construction and creation models prepared by the authors within the framework of the International Forum on Education and Technology held in 2021 (FIET 2021). Based on the conclusions on this same theme from the first edition of the Forum held in 2014, the report identifies five major areas of development around which some of the most important challenges faced by emerging models of construction and creation of knowledge in digital contexts: the democratization of education and the taking into consideration of issues related to diversity in a broad sense; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications regarding the uses of ICT in education; the existence of multiple and diverse contexts for the construction and creation of knowledge, their interrelation and their necessary articulation; content curation, its impact on educational practices and its implications for teacher training and for student learning; and learning analytics and their role in decision-making aimed at improving teaching effectiveness and optimizing learning. These five areas are reviewed successively, identifying, in each of them, the issues that, in the opinion of the authors, are most significant and relevant and, consequently, should be the object of special attention in research and educational innovation in the coming years. years. By way of conclusion, the progress made between 2014 and 2021 is synthesized, the pending challenges are identified and some of the most salient features are pointed out that, in light of the analyzes presented in the report, should characterize the emerging models of construction and knowledge creation. The work also includes two annexes dedicated, respectively, to presenting a glossary of some terms used in the report and five relevant and significant research products from the five mentioned development areas.


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How to Cite
Marimon-Martí, M., Cabero, J., Castañeda, L., Coll, C., de Oliveira, J. M., & Rodríguez-Triana, M. J. (2022). Building knowledge in the digital age: challenges and reflections. Distance Education Journal, 22(69).

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