No. 7 (1990): Christianity and Acculturation in times of the Roman Empire

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 7 (1990): Christianity and Acculturation in times of the Roman Empire

The works that we present today have been elaborated from the field of the sciences of Antiquity. They constitute a contact with the transcendental problem that forms the plot of History and that is that of the succession of cultures. The metamorphosis of the classical Roman world, among many other dimensions, had a profound contact with Christianity, which it influenced and was influenced by, and the proportions and degrees of intensity of the phenomenon are about to be determined. Probably, in the specific case that concerns us, it is necessary to have external elements to Christianity and the classical world in order to explain the configurations that both are acquiring. It is neither simple nor easy to account for the variations in anthropology that occur equally and simultaneously in pagans and Christians. Sensitivity to certain stimuli such as the desire for solitude, refusal to dialogue, faith in the materiality of lyrics, the return of interest in meta-empirical solutions and the emphasis that the world of the divine acquires in the centuries of Late Antiquity. The colloquium held in Madrid from October 13 to 15, 1988 was a very pleasant event for those of us who had the luck to participate and an intellectual experience of the first magnitude. The publication of his minutes continues and relives those beautiful days.

Published: 20-01-1990
Frequency: Anual
