La cueva de Santa Eulalia en La Rioja y la capilla de San Basilio en Capadocia. Breve observación sobre un posible paralelo formal


  • José Antonio Molina Gómez


Wall decorations of two rock churches are compared here. The Saint Eulalai Somera cave in La Rioja has a checkerboard decoration consisting of etched squared niches in the wall. Saint Basil's church in Cappadocia has a pictorial decoration where cross pictures are framed by geometrical patterns and vegetal motifs. a checkerboard decoration in especially noteworthy among the geometrical patterns. In spite of artistic and geographical differences it could be possible to speak about a formal parallel model between both rock churches.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Molina Gómez

Universidad de Murcia

How to Cite
Molina Gómez, J. A. (2006). La cueva de Santa Eulalia en La Rioja y la capilla de San Basilio en Capadocia. Breve observación sobre un posible paralelo formal. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 785–788. Retrieved from

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