Teaching Profiles Associated with Assessment Practices in Mathematics


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.603421
Keywords: assessment, teaching practices, profiles, Mathematics education


This research aims to identify teaching profiles associated with assessment practices in Mathematics and their differentiation in terms of sociodemographic variables. A sample of 4,664 teachers (Mage=38, SD=9.70, 77.36% women) at the primary educational level in the state of Baja California, Mexico was used. For data analysis, a Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was performed, and t-student and chi-square tests were conducted. Two teaching profiles were identified, the intensive and the moderate, whose distinction lies in the frequency with which they carry out the different documented evaluation practices. Although both profiles are clearly differentiated in most dimensions of the evaluation process, this was not the case for the variables on the use of evaluation techniques and instruments. In addition, differences were found in the sociodemographic variables of sex, age, years of teaching experience, institution of initial training, participation in continuous training courses, school funding and rural or urban location of the school, although with low effect sizes. However, the education level, school grade, type of working day and type of school did not represent differences between profiles. The hypothesis is partially accepted, which states that sociodemographic variables allow characterizing teaching profiles associated with assessment practices in Mathematics where, although their effect is low, they can guide the implementation of differentiated strategies to support the teaching work.


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How to Cite
Oviedo Mandujano, A. F., González Barbera, C., & Caso Niebla, J. (2025). Teaching Profiles Associated with Assessment Practices in Mathematics. Journal of Educational Research, (43). https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.603421