Proposal for an assessment methodology to assess skills by using complex tasks within virtual learning environments
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- Comisión Europea Proyecto DevalSimWeb Nº de contrato DCI-ALA/19.09.01/11/21526/264-773/ALFAIII(2011)-10
This article presents a methodology to assess the skill level of university students in five skills: analytical and critical thought, problem solving, sense of Ethics, decision making and teamwork. The introduction focuses on two conceptuals foci in which the study is based, skills assessment through complex tasks and a digital context with e-rubrics. In the second section the proposal is contextualized in the DevalsimWeb Project in which it arises, skills are defined and a description of the fundamental aspects of APREVAL-DevalSimWeb Training Course is offered. In method are specified the questions that guide the proposal, the procedure and the methodological design of the evaluation proposal, according to Expert Desing Method. The results reflect the methodological proposal made on the basis of complex tasks and applying e-rubrics before and after the completion of the training course to assess the skill level of first year university students. The article ends with conclusions and research associated with the proposal. An annex is provided for the description of complex tasks specifying the situations/problems raised, the resources used and the specific evaluation activities for each skill, before and after implementation of the training course together with the five e-rubrics for each skill.Downloads
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