Diseño de escalas para la evaluación de la habilidad motriz de salto para la educación física en Educación Primaria


  • Francisco Javier Castejón Oliva


It has been designed a tests with growing difficulty level, continuing the Rasch probability model, with the objective of evaluating the motor jump ability (content from the Physical Education area) of the Primary Education students.

The statistic used for this type of tests confirm the validity and reliability of the same, so that for its application has been elected a pupils sample of the corresponding ages to the Primary Education stage (n=1951; 1057 kids and 894 girls). The results have permitted to elaborate tasks with three difficulty levels (high, mean and low) to evaluate the motor jump ability in each group of age and between the two sexes.


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How to Cite
Castejón Oliva, F. J. (2000). Diseño de escalas para la evaluación de la habilidad motriz de salto para la educación física en Educación Primaria. Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 47–68. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/121481
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