Students’ experiences with graduate education in Brazil. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach


Palabras clave: Programa de Posgrado, Educación estudiantil, Autoevaluación


Assessing graduate student instruction is a complex task. After all, graduate education is the result of an intricate exercise involving course experiences, teaching, learning engagement, skill-building, collaboration, and learning satisfaction. This article presents the results of a study seeking to assist in the assessment of graduate education in Brazil through a survey about graduate education experiences. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), performed on 462 graduate students of various master’s and doctoral programs from six Brazilian universities, indicates that student experiences with graduate education underscore three interrelated processes: Engagement in Learning, Collaborative Learning, and Intellectual Growth. The survey that informs this study can contribute to the self-assessment of graduate programs in Education at different faculties and universities, while also facilitating regular graduate education assessment by accreditation agencies such as the Brazilian’s Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).


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Cómo citar
Felicetti, V. L., & Cabrera, A. F. (2022). Students’ experiences with graduate education in Brazil. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 40(2), 319–339.