Probable contribution to the monasticism of the SE. peninsular. The cave complex of the Muela de Alborajico (Tobarra, Albacete)
Supporting Agencies
- monasticism
- cave complex
- Albacete
To begin with, we highlight the thousand-year-old tradition that has existed in the Hellín-Tobarra region in carrying out cave works due to the relatively favorable conditions and characteristics of the local geology. Since prehistoric times, this phenomenon has been observed in the engravings or inscultures of El Canalizo de El Rayo and in some towns of Bronze-II and Final that have deep artificial perforations inside their enclosures. The entire system of presses, mills, sites, tanks, pipes, stairs ... etc. from Tolmo de Minateda, it was carved out of living rock, in the Miocene sandstone of the plateau where such an important Ibero-Roman city is located. (...)
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