La Técnica Delphi como estrategia de consulta a los implicados en la evaluación de programas


  • Esther Martínez Piñeiro
Keywords: Delphi Technique, experts panel, consensus measurements, stability measurements, program evaluation, stakeholder groups participation.


This paper introduces the Delphi Technique as an interesting strategy for taking up with those people who involved in social programs evaluation.
To begin with, the technique main features and some considerations on the experts panel configuration and on the application process are presented. Next, consensus and stability, the two criteria for items selection and for consultation process finalisation, are revised. Thus, the key statistics used to fix the aforementioned criteria are analysed; both the more usual, based upon the mean and the median or upon goodness of fit tests, and some others less commonly applied to this kind of researches.
Finally some methodological considerations about the utilisation of this strategy are introduced in the light of some problems arisen from the Delphi Study carried out in the realm of occupational training courses evaluation in Galicia.


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How to Cite
Martínez Piñeiro, E. (2003). La Técnica Delphi como estrategia de consulta a los implicados en la evaluación de programas. Journal of Educational Research, 21(2), 449–463. Retrieved from