Action-research on a service-learning program in teaching physical education
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- Este trabajo es el resultado de una investigación procedente de un proyecto competitivo financiado (29.800Eur) por el Plan de Promoción a la Investigación de la Universidad Jaume I. Código
- P1-1A3013-11.
Introduction: This article shows an action-research conducted on a service-learning program in Physical Education Didactics. The work is based on the results of multiple previous research and aims to improve the service-learning program to promote the development of social skills and attitudes on future teachers. To achieve a framework of broad and comprehensive understanding of the intervention program we used a mixed research method. Method: firstly,the content of interviews and daily monitoring diaries of students were analyzed and, secondly, it was implemented a quasi-experimental design with three nonequivalent groups. We used t tests for the comparison pretest-posttest of each group, and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the comparison post-test. Results: the quantitative study shows that, unlike the control group, both experimental groups improved their social skills and attitudes after de service-learning program. Discussion: the qualitative study helped to complement and enhance the understanding about the effects of the program to refine the skills and attitudes achieved. The three categories obtained were: group consciousness, implication and group organization skills and communication skills. Conclusions: it was concluded that it may be necessary to improve the model of reflection and deliberation inherent in the program, thus establishing the basis for a new plan.Downloads
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