Quality-based focused learning model for social and ubiquitous learning environments: A theoretical review
Supporting Agencies
- Alcala de Henares University Madrid - Spain
- University of San Buenaventura Bogotá – Colombia
Quality models focused on learning for social and ubiquitous environments are practices that facilitate the construction of learning environments that, integrated with the social web, information technologies and smart mobile devices, will serve as a methodological strategy for the acquisition of a quality learning. Therefore, this article presents an exploration of research works, prior to another main one: Quality model centered on learning for social and ubiquitous learning environments. The objective is to obtain theoretical components that allow to adequately guide the way in which learning should be acquired.
From the methodology, the verification technique is established in different topics and, on the other hand, the study of theories and learning regarding three approaches as supports for future research: instructional design, connected environments and mobile technologies.
It can be concluded that this work will allow us to investigate connected, ubiquitous and quality-focused learning models. In the same way, it will serve as a guide to determine which other factors could have greater incidence and depth in terms of analysis in upcoming and future investigations. This article proposes actions that tend to formulate improvements and obtain quality focused on learning.
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