No. 17 (2000): Exegesis as an instrument of cultural creation. The testimony of the works of Gregorio de Elbira

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 17 (2000): Exegesis as an instrument of cultural creation. The testimony of the works of Gregorio de Elbira

It is a pleasure to present to the scholars of Ancient History a strictly historical, but not usual, subject. The world of hermeneutics, central to the problem of historical understanding, is often avoided and sacrifices itself to the claim of an always problematic "objectivity", especially if it does not attend to the epistemological foundation of our documentation. An effort like the one we are presenting is cause for hope and joy, and we are also facing an enormous historical problem. Indeed, it is well known that writers, including historians, often project the world of their ideas when making the choice of their subjects for study and that the dialectic of thought always departs from the interests and environment of the group, the writer is inserted. It has always been so and will inevitably be so.

Published: 20-01-2000
Frequency: Anual
