The narrator of the Carmen Paschale in the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus


Keywords: Passion, easter, Resurrection, Judas, gospel, Faith, narrative, salvation, Christianity


In the Paschale Carmen the storyteller’s irruptions are frequent from the beginning of the book first, as shown in the metric prologue and in abundant loci of programmatic sense. The interventions of the narrator’s voice take on a different tone in the last book, dedicated to the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. It’s shows that the program of the entire poem reaches its culmination in the faithful defense that the devout narrator makes of Christian doctrine against the lack of faith of the Jewish people. In this work we analyze some moments of the fifth book of Paschale Carmen in which this dogmatic intention of the narrator is evident, apart from his role as narrator of the miracles.


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How to Cite
Hernández Mayor, M. D. (2021). The narrator of the Carmen Paschale in the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (38), 159–173.