Perspective of Students with Disabilities on Barriers, Facilitators, and Mechanisms for Inclusion at University

A Systematic Review


Keywords: accessibility, disability, right to education, higher education, equal opportunity, systematic review


Educational inclusion can be understood as a set of actions that are carried out with the aim of promoting an educational system for all, but particularly for those groups that have been excluded from it. This systematic review presents the perspective of students with disabilities regarding barriers, facilitators, and mechanisms for inclusion at university. A wide search was conducted in the Scopus, SciELO and Web of Science databases during the period 2013 to 2023. After applying the selection criteria, a total of 41 scientific articles were included. These papers represent diverse geographical areas, show varied methodological approaches, and involve 1374 university students with different disabilities. The results were organized into four categories: 1) Studies included and their characteristics, 2) Barriers that limit the inclusion of university students with disabilities, 3) Facilitators that contribute to the inclusion of students with disabilities in universities and 4) Mechanisms used by universities to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities. The conclusions establish that despite the multiple efforts made by higher education institutions, it is necessary to achieve true inclusion to guarantee the right to education of students with disabilities and to eradicate the inequalities faced.


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How to Cite
Paz-Maldonado, E., Calvo-Álvarez, M. I., & Silva-Peña, I. (2025). Perspective of Students with Disabilities on Barriers, Facilitators, and Mechanisms for Inclusion at University: A Systematic Review. Journal of Educational Research, (43).