Serving Students with ADHD in Spanish Universities

Actions and Good Practices


Keywords: ADHD, university, services, guidance

Supporting Agencies

  • Fondo Social Europeo


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has an impact on the academic performance and quality of life of university students with this diagnosis. The objective of this study was to describe the actions aimed at providing individualized attention to students with ADHD in Spanish universities and to identify good practices. To do so, a questionnaire was administered to the heads of support services for students with disabilities in 36 Spanish universities (23 public and 13 private). Results indicate that the registration of students with ADHD in these services is becoming increasingly common. The most frequently used measures to serve these students include adaptations in written tests, distraction-free environments, and planning strategies. These measures are used more frequently in the early years of study. No differences are found between public and private universities with respect to these measures. Furthermore, these results show that universities' commitment to students with ADHD has increased through the implementation of specific actions. However, there are shortcomings that must be addressed by university inclusion policies to ensure specific training for faculty members, increased funding for these services, specialized personnel, and to raise awareness of ADHD within the university community.


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How to Cite
Álvarez-Godos, M., Vieira, M. J., & Ferreira, C. (2025). Serving Students with ADHD in Spanish Universities: Actions and Good Practices. Journal of Educational Research, (43).