Tutoring functions in e-learning: mixed study of the roles of the online tutor
Supporting Agencies
- Universidad de Málaga
Since in 1924 the Pressey Testing Machine appeared in the history of education until 2013 where MOOCs are present worldwide, e-learning has evolved steadily. This has been partly because it is a new way of learning adapted to the needs of a changing society, where workers need to be trained outside their working hours. Along these lines, the research in the implicit processes in the e-learning becomes essential in order to improve the quality of this modality of training. Therefore, the objective of this research was to 1) analyze the functions that trainers carry out in their training actions and 2) investigate student´s appreciation of these functions. The methodology applied was a mixed design to best fit the objectives of the research. A sample of 707 students and another sample of tutors of 29 courses were used, both belonging to a continuous training project of workers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), From the results it is possible to know the functions that tutors have been carring out and, from there, build some “theoretical framework” for understanding the relationships between categories and dimensions underlying this kind of training. Likewise, it has been possible to determine different typologies of tutors depending on the roles they have played.
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