Late Republican togatus from the cortijada of El Duque (Puebla de Don Fadrique, Granada


  • Jesús Fernández Palmeiro
  • Daniel Serrano Várez
Keywords: Togatus, Puebla Don Fadrique


The object of this article is give to know the sculpture from a togatus found in Puebla de don Fadrique (Granada). The last studies assign to this type of sculptures a chronology from end of Republican period. Because its characteristics are similar from the appeared in other points to Spain, specially the found in the iberian sanctuary from Cerro de los Santos in Montealegre del Castillo (Albacete). The archeological site in that what appeared have provided a lot of materials and itself find in the country of Puebla, one zone romanize intensely.


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How to Cite
Fernández Palmeiro, J., & Serrano Várez, D. (2000). Late Republican togatus from the cortijada of El Duque (Puebla de Don Fadrique, Granada. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (17), 277–290. Retrieved from

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