Perspectives of the ancient ecclesiastical geography of S.E. peninsular


  • G. Guillén Pérez
  • A. González Blanco
Keywords: geography, church, episcopal see, hispania


All the histories of the Church in primitive Spain have to and do deal with the administrative structure of the same. The concepts of episcopal see and diocese are considered. Sometimes it seems to be assumed that they are simply equivalent, and such an assumption leads to conclusions that are debatable. Here we are going to draw a panoramic view of the episcopal sees that existed with certainty or great probability in the area of the current Murcian region, trying to follow a chronological order of both the sources and especially the documentary facts. (...)


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How to Cite
Guillén Pérez, G., & González Blanco, A. (1985). Perspectives of the ancient ecclesiastical geography of S.E. peninsular. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (2), 107–117. Retrieved from

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