Intimate Partner Violence: perspective of convicts and psychologists of penitentiary institutions. A Qualitative analysis with focus groups


Keywords: Gender violence, Agressor, Prison psychology, Strategies, Qualitative study


Intimate Partner Violence is a complex process in which indi-vidual, relational and contextual variables intervene. The aim of this study was to explore coping strategies and relational dynamics in conflict situa-tions involving people convicted of intimate partner violence with their partners. Focus groups were conducted with convicted intimate partner violence offenders (12 participants) and with psychology professionals (4 participants). The data were explored through thematic analysis following the Nested Ecological Model. The group of convicted perpetrators showed roles of authority and superiority over the woman, a feeling of vulnerability and rejection of the existing legal framework, fear of being arrested for wanting to continue the relationship, the need to control the partner driven by jealousy, justification or denial of responsibility in violent situations or instrumentalization of the children in common. The professionals point out cultural aspects that facilitate violent patterns and roles in the couple's dynamics, communication problems, denial or low awareness of the crime, among other issues. The results are of special interest both for profession-als who wish to learn or deepen their knowledge on the subject, as well as for those who work in intervention and/or prevention of intimate partner violence.


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How to Cite
Cormos, L. S., Godoy-Fernández, C., Pina, D., Puente-López, E., García-Jiménez, J. J., Marín-Talón, M. C., & Ruiz-Hernández, J. A. (2023). Intimate Partner Violence: perspective of convicts and psychologists of penitentiary institutions. A Qualitative analysis with focus groups. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 39(1), 153–166.
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