Historical and educational overviw of Spain under the Franco Regime. Influences and impact of life testimonies of senior citizens


  • Andrés Escarbajal Frutos Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Immigration, welfare, Social Work, Social Education.


This paper presents research conducted over four years in the Murcia Region, from the Faculty of Education, sponsored by the State Administration. It studied, through participant observation, questionnaire and semistructured interviews, the kind of answers that were given to professionals working with immigrants, mainly social workers and social workers, to the diverse needs of these, identifying the various resources and services administration at the service of immigrants and valued characteristics, types, different levels and methods of the different actions of these professionals. It has been shown that responses remain largely welfare, ignoring the possibilities of educational work, and this both in the actions of social workers and social educators.


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How to Cite
Escarbajal Frutos, A. (2010). Historical and educational overviw of Spain under the Franco Regime. Influences and impact of life testimonies of senior citizens. Journal of Educational Research, 28(1), 157–170. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/97881