Creencias y conocimiento acerca de la competencia lingüística de alumnado inmigrante. El caso de la provincia de Huesca


  • Jose Luis Navarro Sierra
  • Ángel Huguet Canalis
Keywords: immigration, school, linguistic proficiency.


The growing incorporation of migrant children to our Educational System, and given the practical non-existence of empiric studies to approach this new situation, produce among teachers certain beliefs and previous ideas that condition the educational answers around the process of teaching the language or languages from the welcome society.
Our research, starting from the evaluation of the linguistic knowledge acquired in Spanish for a group of 1st. grade of Secondary School, has analysed some of the factors that determine their levels of linguistic competence. It, besides contrasting some beliefs on the learning of the language of these between migrant students, has allowed us to formulate certain indications or suggestions to approach the question.


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How to Cite
Navarro Sierra, J. L., & Huguet Canalis, Ángel. (2006). Creencias y conocimiento acerca de la competencia lingüística de alumnado inmigrante. El caso de la provincia de Huesca. Journal of Educational Research, 24(2), 373–394. Retrieved from