Can University learn a new way to create and use training e-contents?


  • Raquel Martínez-Fernández
  • Ángel García-Beltrán
  • Susana Pastor-Moreno
  • Lourdes Blanco-Galán
Keywords: e-learning, e-contents generation methodology, teaching


Nowadays, the establishment of new pedagogical models in learning management systems is a necessity inside the educational community. It is for this reason that the Computer Science Department has designed and developed a methodology for generating educational electronic content as well as a new teaching methodology for online courses based on greater participation and autonomy of the student and on the new role of teachers as defined by the European Space for Higher Education. The methodology for the generation of e-content defines specific guidelines for pedagogical, functional and graphic design; allowing the construction of dynamic, brief and interactive electronic content for online courses. The learning methodology helps teachers not only during the initial course planning and its continuing improvement, but also with regard to the efficient guidance/tutoring of students. Both methodologies are a help for improving the teaching-learning process, taking advantage of new technologies. We have applied these methodologies to the creation of two courses on SCORM standard format. One of them is a training course for teachers on how to use an e-learning platform and the other is an active server page course


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How to Cite
Martínez-Fernández, R., García-Beltrán, Ángel, Pastor-Moreno, S., & Blanco-Galán, L. (2009). Can University learn a new way to create and use training e-contents?. Distance Education Journal. Retrieved from