Medical Education and Cognitive Load: Study of the Interaction with Learning Objects in Virtual Reality and 360º Video


Keywords: cognitive load, virtual reality, Emerging technologies, medical training, Educative technology


Different studies have shown that virtual reality (VR) is an educational technology with great potential for the development of skills. Its integration requires the mobilization of cognitive resources by the students, so the design of the training actions with VR must be optimal. In this sense, the objectives of this study is to know the cognitive load produced by the interaction with learning objects produced in the VR modality and with objects in 360º, as well as to analyze the evaluation of the same by the students and their relationships. To do this, 136 medical students answered two questionnaires: cognitive load and evaluation of the quality of the training action. The results showed high levels of relevant cognitive load and low levels of mental effort, internal and extrinsic cognitive load. In addition, the self-perception of the quality of the training action is high, with levels of correlation between the different dimensions. Therefore, it concludes by demonstrating the potential of VR as an educational technology and opens new avenues for related research.


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How to Cite
Palacios-Rodríguez, A., Cabero-Almenara, J., & Serrano-Hidalgo, M. (2024). Medical Education and Cognitive Load: Study of the Interaction with Learning Objects in Virtual Reality and 360º Video. Distance Education Journal, 24(79).