A Latin alphabet in the cave of Barranco de los Grajos (Cieza)


  • Joaquín Salmerón Juan
  • Antonino González Blanco
Keywords: Cieza, Murcia, cave art, epigraphy, latin alphabet


The Barranco de los Grajos caves are known for their cave paintings, very rich and important within the schematic Levantine rock art. Among those caves, and in a place that is more than a cave, it turns out to be a shelter, together with the cave paintings that are scattered throughout the complex, the figure whose tracing we present in this news can be seen without great difficulty. (...)


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How to Cite
Salmerón Juan, J., & González Blanco, A. (1993). A Latin alphabet in the cave of Barranco de los Grajos (Cieza). Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (10), 653–654. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ayc/article/view/63791

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