The rock settlement of the Upper Euphrates, in northern Syria from the Turkish border to Qalat Najm


  • Antonino González Blanco
  • Gonzalo Matilla Séiquer
Keywords: Caves, high sirian Eufrates, Roman and Byzantine time, rupestrian churches, «acoimeta» heresy


Journey and taking of contact with the caves of the high sirian Eufrates. It's very important the magnitude of the occupation of these caves like place during Roman and Byzantine time. Maybe one of the most astonishing discoveries have been the of the rupestrian churches especially the monastery that has been identified with the «acoimeta» heresy.


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How to Cite
González Blanco, A., & Matilla Séiquer, G. (1993). The rock settlement of the Upper Euphrates, in northern Syria from the Turkish border to Qalat Najm. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (10), 613–624. Retrieved from

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