La cueva de Páceta: Castro Bilibio (La Rioja) – ¿Un oratorio rupestre?


  • Mª. P. Pascual Mayoral
  • Pedro García Ruíz
  • José Luis Cinca Martínez
  • Hilario Pascual González


Description of a handmade cave, located near Bilibio’site, where, according a well founded tradition lived Saint Felices. We interpret the grotto as a monastic one for the typology that offer and the reasons we explain.


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How to Cite
Pascual Mayoral, M. P., García Ruíz, P., Cinca Martínez, J. L., & Pascual González, H. (2006). La cueva de Páceta: Castro Bilibio (La Rioja) – ¿Un oratorio rupestre?. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 719–737. Retrieved from

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