An intervention of spatial sense with Tinkercad in future teachers


Keywords: Initial teacher training, Spatial sense, Tinkercad, Classroom proporsal


A five-session classroom intervention is presented for the teaching and application of Tinkercad 3D design software with second-year students of the Primary Education Degree. These students do not know the tool or any similar one, and they have not worked on Geometry content since their compulsory education. To find out the impact of this proposal, a pre-test and a post-test are carried out on the participants through the Spatial Aptitude tests of the EFAI and BAT7 Intelligence Tests, as well as an initial survey to find out their satisfaction with the intervention and proposals for improvement. The results in spatial aptitude have improved, reducing the percentage of students with low enneatype and increasing that of high enneatype, slightly decreasing that of medium enneatype, and 22.5 % of the participants remain in the same enneatype, 60 % go up and 17.5 % drop. Satisfaction and improvement surveys suggest new ways of working for the future and reaffirm the interest and possibilities of using this resource.


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How to Cite
Nortes Martínez-Artero, M. R., & Rabadán Rubio, J. A. (2023). An intervention of spatial sense with Tinkercad in future teachers. Distance Education Journal, 23(76).
Math education with technology