La adopción y uso de las tecnologías digitales en el profesorado universitario: un análisis desde la perspectiva delgénero y la edad


Keywords: Adopción y uso, Tecnologías Digitales, Educación Superior, género, edad


The success of the educational process mediated by technology depends largely on the adoption and use of digital technology (TD) by teachers, from this current a multivariate diagnosis is presented on the level of adoption and use of TD, through the moderating effect of gender and age variables, the study was conducted with a sample of 280 university teachers who responded to the questionnaire called TAUT consisting of 46 Likert scale type items in 5 dimensions. The methodology applied in the study is quantitative based on the non-experimental, descriptive and inferential method, the data were analyzed from a comparison of means, using non-parametric tests. The results are shown by means of the TAUT self-evaluating the adoption and use of the TD by the teaching staff, the same that manage to have a positive acceptance in all the dimensions, as well as allowing to know that there are no significant differences in most of the items according to gender and age, the same that do not affect the intention of the teaching staff behavior to adopt and use the TD.


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25-09-2021 — Updated on 25-09-2021
How to Cite
Hidalgo Cajo, B. G., & Gisbert Cervera, M. . (2021). La adopción y uso de las tecnologías digitales en el profesorado universitario: un análisis desde la perspectiva delgénero y la edad. Distance Education Journal, 21(67).