Teacher self-assessment and reflection to improve teachers’ professional competence in the knowledge society


  • Miryam Martínez-Izaguirre Universidad de Deusto
  • Concepción Yániz-Álvarez de Eulate Universidad de Deusto
  • Lourdes Villardón-Galleg Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: ITC, teaching competences, teaching self-assessment, teachers’ reflection, professional development


Faced with the challenges posed by the knowledge society, compulsory education must ensure to produce responsible, competent citizens committed to improving their environment. This aim requires re-thinking teachers’ work and having a teaching staff involved in the development of teaching competences that will allow them to effectively perform their tasks.
Self-assessment and reflection processes are an opportunity to promote paths towards professional and improvement processes. Likewise, ICTs provide ample possibilities to implement teachers’ competences provided that they are transversally incorporated to enhance teaching, thus facilitating the performance of their tasks.
Then, the design of the Teaching competence assessment scale for compulsory education teachers is presented, aimed at promoting reflection on the importance and application of teaching competences in today's educational scenario. Its application has major implications for teachers' professional development and for their progress towards professional competence.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Izaguirre, M., Yániz-Álvarez de Eulate, C., & Villardón-Galleg, L. (2018). Teacher self-assessment and reflection to improve teachers’ professional competence in the knowledge society. Distance Education Journal, 18(56). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/red/article/view/321621