
  • Julià Minguillón
  • Enric Mor
  • Francesc Santanach
  • Lourdes Guàrdia Ortiz
Keywords: learning objects, personalización, scorm, lom, diseño instruccional, patrones de navegación


In this work we describe the design of an e-learning platform which integrates the use of reusable learning objects as the basic elements for the construction of itineraries, permitting the personalization of the learning process depending on the particular characteristics of each course subject and each user profile. The main goal is to describe the desired functionalities of such platform and the possible limitations that might arise when different technologies must be integrated, specially the gap between the current metadata definitions provided by the learning objects metadata standards, and the real requirements of the instructional design according to several pedagogical criteria, tutoring and personalization purposes. The proposed e-learning platform uses the SCORM standard as the basic core of the system and, extensively, it uses the LOM standard for describing the metadata of the reusable learning objects, but including the necessary modifications having in mind that the main goals of the project are the supervision of the learning process and its personalization.


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Author Biographies

Julià Minguillón

Estudis d’Informàtica i Multimèdia Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Enric Mor

Estudis d’Informàtica i Multimèdia Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Francesc Santanach

Grup Operatiu de Desenvolupament Intranets Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Lourdes Guàrdia Ortiz

Estudis de Psicologia i Ciències de l’Educació Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
How to Cite
Minguillón, J., Mor, E., Santanach, F., & Guàrdia Ortiz, L. (2005). PERSONALIZING THE LEARNING PROCESS BY MEANS OF REUSABLE LEARNING OBJECTS. Distance Education Journal. Retrieved from

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