No. 15 (1998): Romanization and Christianity in Mesopotamian Syria

Antigüedad y Cristianismo

No. 15 (1998): Romanization and Christianity in Mesopotamian Syria

When in 1989 we joined the archaeological mission that the IPOA had organized in Syria, under the direction of Prof. G. DEL OLMO LETE, we could not foresee what in those lands, distant, we believed then, from the nerve centers of the Roman world , we would have to find. The orientation of archaeological research was and continues to be, for it could not be otherwise, the study of the earth in the stages of the great cultures of the IV-1 millennia BC. C. For this purpose we were excavating and the good work of such works is proved by the two memories of excavations already published on the Te11 Qara QikQ and the three doctoral theses already read based on such works.

Published: 20-01-1998
Frequency: Anual



The builders of Late Antiquity