
  • María Gloria Guillén Pérez
Keywords: Ephesus Concilium, doctrine, Nestorio, antiochian education, Cirilo, Bishop of Alexandria, Acacio, Bishop of Berea


This is an analysis of some events that took place in the days close to the beginning of the Ephesus Concilium (second half of 431), where the doctrine of Nestorio, Patriarch of the Constantinople and of an «Antiochian» education, was debated. This study helps to date the letter sent by Cirilo, Bishop of Alexandria and an enemy of Nestorio, to Acacio, Bishop of Berea. In the study it is shown argumentatively that Cirilo wrote his letter to Acacio after having written to the monks of the desert.


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How to Cite
Guillén Pérez, M. G. (1997). THE BEGINNINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF EPHESUS (431) AND THE DATING OF THE LETTER FROM CYRIL ALEXANDRINE TO ACACIO BERENSE. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (14), 151–160. Retrieved from