Aspects of the culture of the s. VI in the Southeast of the peninsula according to the work of Liciniano


  • Anselmo José Sánchez Ferra
Keywords: Liciniano, Isidore of Sevilla, Culture, Hispania, Southeast peninsular


Some authors, with varying results, have dealt with the intellectual personality of Licinianus. However, even if their statements are qualified and interpreted, regarding their existence we only have the data provided by S. Isidoro de Sevilla in his brief biographical note. (...)


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DZIALOWSKI, G. Isidor und Ildefons als Litterarhistoriker, Münster 1968, p. 76.

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GARCÍA DE VILLADA, Historia Eclesiástica de España, pp, 163 y ss.

GARCÍA IGLESIAS, L. Los judíos en la España Antigua, Ed. Cristiandad, Madrid 1978.

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MENÉNDEZ Y PELAYO M. Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles, Madrid 1917, 175-179.

How to Cite
Sánchez Ferra, A. J. (1985). Aspects of the culture of the s. VI in the Southeast of the peninsula according to the work of Liciniano. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (2), 123–128. Retrieved from