Inauthenticity of Fulgentina History


  • Antonio Yelo Templado
Keywords: Fulgencio of Cartagena, Falsifications, Spanish Golden Age, historiography


The endorsements of the Spanish historiography of the Golden Age have a fulfilled echo in the Murcian historiography of the same period. It is characteristic of her the desire to accumulate glories of the past, choosing precisely those dark times, where fantasy could replace indocumentation. Cascales found no more glorious argument for the ancient age of his History of Murcia than to make this scene of the Roman-Punic battle of Ilorci. (...)


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DIAZ CASSOU, P. Serie de los obispos de Cartagena, Madrid 1895, pp. 11 y 12.

FLOREZ, H. Theatro Geographico-Historico de la Iglesia de España, Madrid 1750, t. V, pp, 97-130.

Las antigüedades de las ciudades de España..., Alcalá 1575, Lb. 12, cap. 5.

MARINEO SICULO, L. De rebus Hispaniae memorabilibus libri XXV, Alcalá 1530, Ib. 5

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How to Cite
Yelo Templado, A. (1984). Inauthenticity of Fulgentina History. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (2), 45–52. Retrieved from