Ciudades, fortificaciones, necrópolis y monasterios en el alto Éufrates sirio durante la época paleocristiana. Siglos IV-VII


  • Alejandro Egea Vivancos


It is made a study about Paleochristian and Byzantine settlement (4

th-7th century) along the Upper Syrian Euphrates. The historical information relative to this area and this chronological period are revised in this work. So we show some archaeological novelties that have happened in this region after the surveys that the IPOA-Murcia University coordinates from some years ago in the area. These discoveries fill a gap in the investigation for this region, and they extend the geographical field of activity of the studies and works, which have been done by T. Ulbert about the Middle Euphrates in the same period.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Egea Vivancos

Instituto del Próximo Oriente Antiguo.

Universidad de Murcia.

How to Cite
Egea Vivancos, A. (2004). Ciudades, fortificaciones, necrópolis y monasterios en el alto Éufrates sirio durante la época paleocristiana. Siglos IV-VII. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (21), 33–66. Retrieved from

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