La pena de exilio en la legislación hispanogoda


  • Augusto Prego de Lis


This work tries to follow the evolution of the concept of

exsilium like judicial and penal penalty throughout the visigoth period, that parallelly changes of sense and meaning to the generalization of the monastic anthropology in that period and to the progressive joining of the contexts terrenal and spiritual in the hispanogothic society. The exsilium becomes thus an imprisonment of penitencial type in a monastery. That change takes place in two stages:

Adoption on the part of the legislators of an ecclesiastical punishment, the imprisonment in a monastery, like judicial pain on lay, in the middle of the 7

th century.

Adoption in the last quarter of 7

th century on the part of the ecclesiastical legislators of a senseless judicial term in the monastic world, the exsilium, to refer to the penitencial imprisonment in a monastery.


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How to Cite
Prego de Lis, A. (2006). La pena de exilio en la legislación hispanogoda. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, (23), 515–529. Retrieved from